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Shop Extreme Immunity – Digestive Health and Immune Support

Extreme Immunity IgG Plus® is a protein-based (>90%) dietary supplement containing over 50% (w/w) immunoglobulins that helps support digestive function and a healthy mucosal immune system.The protein mixture found in IgG Plus® is serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate (SBI) and is manufactured using a tightly-controlled and highly reproducible process at an FDA-inspected facility. Research studies provide evidence that the diversity of immunoglobulins and proteins found in IgG Plus® are safe and help improve digestive health and nutritional status by decreasing immune activation through mechanisms that involve antigen binding and strengthening gut barrier function.

IgG Plus® has emerged as a unique alternative to bovine colostrum for the support of healthy digestion and immune function. What follows in this paper is a series of frequently asked questions about IgG Plus® that dietary supplement manufactures may find useful.

$ 219.95
$ 164.95
$ 25.48